Development -Innovation - Youth D.I.Y Academy & Foundation
Youth to Develop and Innovate
“Empowering Youth To Empower The Nation.”
About Us
D.I.Y (Development, Innovation, Youth) Academy & Foundation is a non-profit organization that connects students, young talented skills and change-makers and young artists to enhance their competences and creating new opportunities with local institution, and International.
Our activities serve as a springboard for young people in acquiring new skills and knowledge, expanding networks, executing impact projects, and collaborating with fellow change-makers through free seminars, workshops, podcasts and collaborative projects to implement Sustainable Development Goals as well as romotin the best Indonesian talents to the lobal market industries.
Our Free Classes and Programs for 2021
Accounting For Beginner
Legal Class
Agriculture For Beginner
Personal Growth
Young Film Maker
Our Current Partners
Contact Us
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